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EDCC is an international conference for presenting and discussing the latest research in dependable and secure computing&#046; EDCC provides a European&#8211;hosted venue for researchers and practitioners from all over the world to present and discuss their latest research results on dependability, security, fault&#8211;tolerance, testing, and other related topics&#046; Original papers are solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems&#046; Papers dedicated to dependability and security in practice are also welcomed: industrial applications, experience in introducing dependability and security in industry, use of new or mature dependability and security approaches to new challenging problems or domains, etc&#046;<br>EDCC 2017 will feature several tracks, including invited speakers, full paper presentations, fast abstracts, a student forum and a set of cutting&#8211;edge workshops&#046;<br>The conference will cover a broad range of topics involving dependability and security, which includes, but is not limited to:<br>Hardware and software architecture of dependable systems<br>Dependable virtualisation<br>VLSI dependability<br>Dependability modelling and tools<br>Testing and validation methods<br>Fault&#8211;tolerant networks and protocols<br>Dependability benchmarking<br>Interplay between safety and security<br>Critical infrastructure protection<br>Safety critical systems<br>Embedded and real&#8211;time systems<br>Cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>Cloud computing<br>Dependable mobile and multimedia systems<br>Autonomic and self&#8211;adaptive systems<br>Socio&#8211;technical systems<br>Intrusion&#8211;tolerant systems<br>Dependable and secure support for data analytics<br>