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Expanded scope: RTAS aims to become the premier conference venue for publishing systems research related to timing issues&#046; The broad scope of RTAS’18 ranges from traditional hard real&#8211;time systems to latency&#8211;sensitive systems with soft real&#8211;time requirements&#046;<br>RTAS’18 invites papers describing original systems and applications, case studies, methodologies and applied algorithms that contribute to the state of practice in the design, implementation and verification of real&#8211;time systems&#046; Papers in the broader field of embedded, networked and cyber&#8211;physical systems (including but not limited to emerging domains such as Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things (IoT), real&#8211;time cloud computing, embedded security, and heterogeneous systems) that consider real&#8211;time aspects are welcomed&#046; For submissions to be in scope for RTAS’18, the work must consider some form of real&#8211;time requirements; as well as classical hard real&#8211;time constraints, these may be in the form of probabilistic, soft real&#8211;time, quality of service or latency requirements&#046; The scope of RTAS’18 consists of three tracks: (1) Applications, Real&#8211;Time Operating Systems and Run&#8211;Time Software, (2) Applied Methodologies and Foundations, and (3) Architectures and Hardware&#8211;related Analyses for Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Systems&#046; The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE and indexed on IEEE Explore&#046;<br>Track 1: Applications, Real&#8211;Time Operating Systems and Run&#8211;Time Software<br>This track focuses on applications and run&#8211;time software for real&#8211;time and embedded systems&#046; Relevant areas include, but are not limited to, real&#8211;time operating systems, middleware, system utilities, and case studies&#046; Papers discussing design and implementation experiences on real industrial systems are especially encouraged&#046; Papers submitted to this track should focus on specific systems and implementations&#046; Authors must include a section with experimental results performed on a real implementation, or demonstrate applicability to an industrial case study or working system&#046; The experiment or case study discussions must highlight the key lessons learned&#046; Simulation&#8211;based results are acceptable only if the authors clearly motivate why it is not possible to develop a real system&#046;<br>Track 2: Applied Methodologies and Foundations<br>This track focuses on fundamental models, techniques, methods, and analyses that are applicable to real systems to solve specific problems&#046; General topics relevant to this track include, but are not limited to: scheduling and resource allocation, specification languages and tools, system&#8211;level optimization and co&#8211;design techniques, design space exploration, verification and validation methodologies&#046; Papers must describe the main context or use&#8211;case for the proposed methods giving clear motivating examples based on real systems&#046; The system models and any assumptions used in the derivation of the methods must be applicable to real systems and reflect actual needs&#046; Papers must include a section on experimental results, preferably including a case study based on information from a real system&#046; The use of synthetic workloads and models is however acceptable if appropriately motivated and used to provide a systematic evaluation&#046;<br>Track 3: Architectures and Hardware&#8211;related Analyses for Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Systems<br>This track focuses on novel hardware/software architectures and analysis techniques which relate to the behaviour of real hardware&#046; Topics relevant to this track include, but are not limited to: worst&#8211;case execution time analysis, analyses of cache, memory hierarchies and communication infrastructures, SoC design for real&#8211;time applications, special purpose functional units and GPU, specialized memory structures, chip multiprocessor and communication, FPGA simulation and prototyping, simulation, compilation and synthesis for novel architectures and applications, and power&#8211; and energy&#8211;aware analyses and architectures&#046; Papers must include a section on experimental results, preferably including a case study based on information from a real system&#046; The use of synthetic workloads and models is however acceptable if appropriately motivated and used to provide a systematic evaluation&#046;