South Korea
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Conference Topics<br>We invite submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of computer and network security&#046; Areas of interest for ASIACCS 2018 include, but are not limited to:<br>* Access control<br>* Accounting and audit<br>* Applied cryptography<br>* Authentication<br>* Big data security and privacy<br>* Biometrics<br>* Blockchain and alternatives<br>* Cloud computing security<br>* Computer forensics<br>* Cyber&#8211;physical system security<br>* Data and application security<br>* Embedded systems security<br>* Formal methods for security<br>* Hardware&#8211;based security and applications<br>* IoT security and privacy<br>* Key management<br>* Malware and botnets<br>* Mobile computing security<br>* Network security<br>* Operating system security<br>* Practical post&#8211;quantum security<br>* Privacy&#8211;enhancing technology<br>* Runtime attacks and defenses<br>* Secure computation<br>* Security architectures<br>* Security of critical infrastructures<br>* Security metrics<br>* Software security<br>* Threat modeling<br>* Trusted computing<br>* Usable security and privacy<br>* Web security<br>* Wireless security and privacy<br>