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A new generation in cellular mobile and wireless communications will be commercialized in 2020, which is referred to as the fifth generation (5G) systems&#046; Wide range of applications and services are expected to be enabled by the introduction of the 5G&#046; Most importantly, 5G will serve as the enabling architecture and standard for Internet of Things (IoT) systems, Low Power&#8211;Wide Area networks, high&#8211;speed cellular systems&#046; This can serve wide range of wireless applications with needs of few bits per seconds and extended geographic areas coverage with delay&#8211;sensitive communications to communications with gigabits per seconds with very low latency and delay in terms of milliseconds&#046; 5G is expected to utilize and exploit new technologies, techniques and protocols at the different communication layers including software&#8211;defined radio, massive antenna systems, Beamforming, MIMO systems, mmWave and optical communications, utilizing higher frequency bands, green networking and communications, small&#8211;scale cells, performance&#8211;energy efficient communications protocols, etc&#046; 5GET 2018 aims to investigate the opportunities and in all aspects of 5G based systems and related technologies&#046; In addition, it seeks for novel contributions that help mitigating 5G challenges&#046; That is, the objective of 5GET 2018 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange new ideas, novel results and experience on all aspects of 5G systems&#046; Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to:<br>Topics of interest<br>5G Architecture and design<br>IoT networking and Security<br>PHY, MAC , routing novel communication protocols for IoT<br>Software Defined Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access in 5G Netwokring<br>IoT&#8211;based Cognitive networking<br>Spectrum utilization and sharing<br>Massive MIMO Communications<br>Dynamic Beamforming techniques<br>Free Space Optical communications<br>Heterogenous cells and communications<br>Millimeter wave communications<br>Green networking in 5G<br>Energy efficient communication protocols<br>Coordinated and small&#8211;scale cell communications<br>Device&#8211;to&#8211;Device Communications and networking<br>Cognitive spectrum access<br>Machine learning and adaptive techniques<br>5G applications, services and Testbeds<br>Social&#8211;aware 5G networks<br>