Deadline Paper

IJIAS&#8211;Special Issue “Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications of Applied Soft Computing”<br>Information on Theme of Special Issue:<br>You are cordially invited to submit a paper for the special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Autonomous Systems on ‘Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications of Applied Soft Computing’&#046;<br>Hybrid intelligent Models and Applications of Applied Soft Computing is a multidisciplinary field that uses different disciplines and fields of application for nonlinear dynamics and control system engineering, robotics, manufacturing, medical and applied science&#046;<br>This special issue on hybrid intelligent Models and Applications, intends to bring together researchers to report the latest results or progress in the development of hybrid intelligent techniques for modeling and applications&#046; As such, the focus of this special issue is on Computational Intelligence methods, with a focus on hybrid intelligent methods applied for modeling and applications&#046; It will make an important contribution to the state of the arts in the field of hybrid intelligent systems and also to different areas of application such as pattern recognition, time&#8211;series prediction, intelligent control, manufacturing and robotics&#046; Papers dealing with the diversity of application areas of hybrid intelligent systems as well as accuracy, robustness and efficiency needed for real&#8211;world applications will be solicited&#046;<br>Specific topics:<br>Potential topics of interest for this issue may cover a wide range of topics in Soft Computing,including, but not limited to: Ant Colony for Neural Network Optimization, Chaos Theory in Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy System Optimization, Genetic Algorithms for Hybrid Intelligent Systems Design, Genetic Algorithms for Neural Network Optimization, Genetic Fuzzy Systems, Genetic Neural Systems, Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms, Hybrid Modular Neural Networks, Hybrid optimization techniques, Neuro&#8211;Fuzzy&#8211;Genetic Approaches, Nature&#8211;inspired Smart Hybrid Systems, Neuro&#8211;Fuzzy Models and Applications, Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Pattern Recognition, Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Data Analysis and Data Mining<br>