Bosnia & Herzegovina
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During the 10th days days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina the Development, Promotions and Advanced Technologies Applications Society (DnT) in cooperation with Bosnian&#8211;Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) and BHK Cigre organize the:<br>The International Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulations for Engineering Applications &#8211; ISCoMS 2018<br>The International Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulations for Engineering Applications is an international forum for scientists, engineers, and students to present their latest research and developments&#046; Also, the conference provides an opportunity for researchers, academicians, scientists and professional engineers to present their work, publish their results, exchange ideas and network for scientific and industrial collaborations&#046; The emphasis will be on peer&#8211;reviewed papers with high scientific and technical quality&#046;<br>Symposium Topics: The following list covers some of the topics to be presented at Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulations for Engineering Applications&#046; Papers on other subjects related to the objectives of the conference are also welcome:<br>&#8211; Numerical methods (Finite element method, Boundary element method, Finite volume method, Finite difference method, Meshless methods etc&#046;)<br>&#8211; Computational methods<br>&#8211; Coupling of numerical methods<br>&#8211; Computer geometric modelling and CAD<br>&#8211; Electromagnetics<br>&#8211; Heat transfer<br>&#8211; Fluid flow modelling<br>&#8211; Structural and solid mechanics applications<br>&#8211; Damage mechanics and fracture<br>&#8211; Coupled Field Problems<br>&#8211; High&#8211;performance computing<br>&#8211; Solution of large systems of equations<br>