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The Ninth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (9th ICCCNT 2018) aims to provide a forum that brings together International researchers from academia and practitioners in the industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of Information and Communication Technologies&#046; Following the great success of 8th ICCCNT 2017, The Ninth edition of the event, ICCCNT’18, will be held in IISc Bengaluru on July 10&#8211;12, 2018&#046; The conference will consist of keynote speeches, technical sessions, and exhibition&#046;&#046; The technical sessions will present original and fundamental research advances, and the workshops will focus on hot topics in Computing , Communication and Networking Technologies&#046;<br>The topics of interest, not limited to the following, are:<br>COMPUTING<br>Computer Architecture<br>Data Structure<br>Quantum Computing<br>Pervasive Computing<br>Parallel Computing<br>Grid Computing<br>Cloud Computing<br>Mobile Computing<br>Big Data<br>Data Mining<br>Signal Processing<br>Image Processing<br>Pattern Recognition<br>Soft Computing<br>LiDAR<br>COMMUNICATION<br>Broadband Communication<br>Wireless Communication<br>Mobile Communication<br>Optical Communication<br>Remote Sensing<br>Antenna / MIMO<br>RF Electronics<br>Nano&#8211;electronics<br>VLSI / ULSI / MEMS<br>Embedded Systems<br>Digital System Design<br>Smart Grid<br>Control Systems<br>Power Electronics / Systems<br>Robotics<br>NETWORKING<br>Computer Network<br>Wireless Network<br>Mobile Network<br>Ad&#8211;hoc Network<br>Sensor Network<br>Multimedia Network<br>Internet of Things<br>Information Theory and Coding<br>Network Security<br>Cryptography<br>Optical Network<br>Test&#8211;bed<br>