National Harbor
United States
Deadline Paper
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IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2018 will be held at the Gaylord in National Harbor, USA, September 17&#8211;20, 2018&#046; AUTOTESTCON is the world&#8242;s premier conference that brings together the military &amp; aerospace automatic test industry and government &amp; military acquirers and users to share new technologies, discuss innovative applications, and exhibit products and services&#046;<br>Papers and session proposals are now being solicited&#046; All submissions should cover appropriate topics dealing with system readiness in general and automatic test technology in particular&#046; View the detailed Call for Papers and abstract specifications on the IEEE AUTOTESTCON website: http://autotestcon&#046;com&#046;<br>Topics include, but are not limited to:<br>Performance Based Logistics<br>Health Monitoring &amp; Diagnostics<br>Embedded Instrumentation<br>Support Economics<br>Test &amp; Support Management<br>