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<br>The 13th Annual System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) conference will be held on the Jussieu campus of Sorbonne Universities, Paris, France on June 19th&#8211;22nd, 2018&#046; SoSE is the main conference on Systems of Systems, defined as complex systems created by the systematic and dynamic assembly of various interacting sub&#8211;systems&#046; The conference theme is “Systems of systems Management and Control: Frontiers between cyber, physical, and social systems”&#046; Papers on theory, methodology, tools and applications of System of Systems Engineering in science, technology, industry, and education are welcome&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>System management and engineering;<br>Interoperability and system architecture;<br>System of systems integration;<br>Distributed and swarm robotics;<br>Multi&#8211;scale and multi&#8211;physics system modeling;<br>Risk analysis, safety, security, resilience;<br>Emergence;<br>Decision&#8211;making;<br>Interaction with humans;<br>Cooperation and coordination in competitive multi&#8211;systems;<br>Distributed computing and control&#046;<br>Applications include:<br>Transportation (multimodal networks, mobile robotics, automated platoons);<br>Critical infrastructures (structural health monitoring, smart grids, smart cities);<br>Manufacturing (factories of future, Industrial Internet of things);<br>Healthcare (e&#8211;health, digital hospitals);<br>Environment;<br>Cyber&#8211;physical systems;<br>Defense;<br>Aerospace (smart&#8211;material based structures);<br>Driverless cars, connected vehicle systems;<br>SoSE education&#046;<br>