The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) is an annual event promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)and the National Laboratory of Computer Networks (LARC). Over more than three decades of achievement, SBRC has become the most important national scientific event on computer networks and distributed systems in Brazil, and one of the busiest in the area of Computer Science. The importance of SBRC can be observed through the number of submissions and participants in its last editions. The 36th edition of the Symposium will be from 06 to 10 May 2017 in Campos do Jordao, Sao Paulo, Brazil.<br>Authors are invited to submit full papers containing the results of their scientific or technological research. Each paper will be evaluated by three or more specialists.<br>A non–exhaustive list of topics of interest include:<br>Distributed algorithms (projects and applications)<br>Network applications<br>Architecture and characterization of networks and services<br>Smart cities<br>Big Data and Data Mining<br>Cloud computing, Fog computing and service–oriented<br>Mobile Computing<br>Ubiquitous, pervasive and context sensitive computing<br>Crowdsourcing<br>Network detection and prevention of anomalies and attacks<br>Performance, scalability and reliability<br>Network engineering and traffic control<br>Specification, validation and verification protocols<br>Management, operation, design and analysis of networks<br>Identity management, address and location<br>Internet of all things and cyber–physical systems<br>Future Internet<br>Tactile Internet<br>Measurement and monitoring networks<br>Middleware<br>Cross–layer optimization<br>Quality of Service (QoS) and Experience (QoE)<br>Autonomic and self–organizing networks<br>Information Centric Networks<br>Data Center Networking<br>Networking software–defined<br>Cognitive radio networks<br>Sensor networks<br>Mobile networks<br>Optical networks<br>P2P networks and systems<br>Wireless infrastructured networks<br>Social networking (online, mobile and pervasive)<br>Delays / interruptions tolerant networks<br>Manned and unmanned vehicle networks<br>Green networks (green networking)<br>Routing, switching and addressing<br>Network security and distributed systems<br>Web services<br>Simulation and emulation networks<br>Distributed systems (autonomic, multimedia, real–time)<br>Distributed operating systems<br>Smart Grid<br>Networks and Digital TV applications and Interactive<br>Fault tolerance and resilience<br>Network function virtualization<br>Network virtualization<br>
Campos do Jordao
Deadline Paper
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End Date