United States
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Experimentation has played a very important role in advancing research in computing&#046; Although simulation is an important tool for studying and analyzing the behavior of new protocols and algorithms, it is essential that new research ideas be validated on real systems and testbeds&#046; This workshop will bring together researchers and technical experts to share experiences and advance the state of the art in experimental research in areas such as networking, distributed systems, and cloud computing&#046; It aims to inspire researchers to use testbeds in novel and interesting ways as a means to validate research ideas&#046; Of particular interest are experiments on publicly available testbeds such as GENI, Emulab, CloudLab, DeterLab, ORBIT, Fed4FIRE testbeds, PlanetLab, and so on&#046;<br>We solicit papers with experimental results from areas including, but not limited to:<br>* Distributed systems<br>* Cloud computing and big data<br>* Computer and network security<br>* Wired and wireless network experimentation (including sensor networks, WiMAX and LTE communications and services, and optical networks)<br>* Software defined networking (SDN)<br>* Future Internet architectures<br>* Network economics and pricing<br>Experiments may focus on challenges including, but not limited to:<br>* Instrumentation and measurement<br>* Large&#8211;scale experiments<br>* Evaluation and analysis of experiment data<br>* Creation and sharing of datasets of broad interest to the community<br>* Experiment design and deployment<br>* Design for repeatability and reproducibility<br>* Tools and services for testbed users and operators<br>* Experiments on federated testbeds<br>* Testbed implementation and deployment<br>