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<section class="av_textblock_section " itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema&#046;org/CreativeWork"><div class="avia_textblock " style="font&#8211;size:16px; " itemprop="text">The ENC 2018 international conference will cover advances in all aspects of navigation technology and its applications&#046; The technical session will be organised into both plenary and parallel sessions, including poster sessions&#046; The conference will cover system infrastructure, signals, timing, integrated navigation, land, air and maritime applications, as well as science, safety and security issues&#046; <p>The scientific committee will encourage scientists participating in international research projects (e&#046;g&#046; H2020, ESA) to contribute to the ENC 2018 programme&#046; A specific session may be organised, depending on the responses to the topics proposed in the call for papers&#046; Technical papers from practitioners and from industrial partners, institutions or companies are also welcome&#046;</p> <p>Authors are invited to submit papers dealing with recent and original work in the following areas:</p> <p><strong>Global Navigation Satellite Systems</strong><br>Development and modernisation of GNSS, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou, as well as GNSS interoperability</p> <p><strong>Signals and Timing</strong><br>Signals and interference, new signal in radio navigation, multi carrier phase GNSS, multipath, timing and clock, telecommunications</p> <p><strong>Integrated Navigation</strong><br>Assisted GNSS, network&#8211;based navigation, inertial navigation, hybridisation, sensor fusion</p> <p><strong>Urban and Land Navigation</strong><br>Applications for road and rail, intelligent transportation systems, autonomous driving</p> <p><strong>Indoor Navigation</strong><br>Location based services, personal mobility, indoor positioning</p> <p><strong>Air and Maritime Navigation</strong><br>General aviation, certification, RNAV, maritime applications</p> <p><strong>Aerospace applications</strong><br>Navigation for spacecraft and space applications</p> <p><strong>Atmosphere and Environmental Sciences</strong><br>Ionosphere, environmental monitoring, climate change, meteorology</p> <p><strong>Safety and Security</strong><br>Search &amp; rescue, security applications</p> <p><strong>ENC 2018 will accept full scientific papers, technical papers and abstracts:</strong></p> <p><strong>Track 1 – Full Scientific Paper</strong></p> <ul><li>IEEE AESS Technical Co&#8211;sponsorship&#046;</li><li>Published manuscripts are included into IEEE Xplore Database and Conference Digital Program&#046;</li><li>Full&#8211;papers will undergo a thorough peer&#8211;review process, and only excellent accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore database&#046; Other accepted papers will be proposed in the Conference Digital Program&#046;</li><li>There is no pre&#8211;submission of abstracts in this track&#046;</li></ul> <p><strong>Track 2 – Abstract or Technical Paper</strong></p> <ul><li>Published abstract and/or technical paper is included in the Conference Digital Program only (i&#046;e&#046; not IEEE xPlore)&#046;</li><li>Abstracts and technical papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee for correctness, and authors will be notified about the acceptance&#046;</li></ul><br><p><span lang="EN&#8211;US"></span></p> </div></section>