<section class="av_textblock_section " itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork"><div class="avia_textblock " style="font–size:16px; " itemprop="text">The ENC 2018 international conference will cover advances in all aspects of navigation technology and its applications. The technical session will be organised into both plenary and parallel sessions, including poster sessions. The conference will cover system infrastructure, signals, timing, integrated navigation, land, air and maritime applications, as well as science, safety and security issues. <p>The scientific committee will encourage scientists participating in international research projects (e.g. H2020, ESA) to contribute to the ENC 2018 programme. A specific session may be organised, depending on the responses to the topics proposed in the call for papers. Technical papers from practitioners and from industrial partners, institutions or companies are also welcome.</p> <p>Authors are invited to submit papers dealing with recent and original work in the following areas:</p> <p><strong>Global Navigation Satellite Systems</strong><br>Development and modernisation of GNSS, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou, as well as GNSS interoperability</p> <p><strong>Signals and Timing</strong><br>Signals and interference, new signal in radio navigation, multi carrier phase GNSS, multipath, timing and clock, telecommunications</p> <p><strong>Integrated Navigation</strong><br>Assisted GNSS, network–based navigation, inertial navigation, hybridisation, sensor fusion</p> <p><strong>Urban and Land Navigation</strong><br>Applications for road and rail, intelligent transportation systems, autonomous driving</p> <p><strong>Indoor Navigation</strong><br>Location based services, personal mobility, indoor positioning</p> <p><strong>Air and Maritime Navigation</strong><br>General aviation, certification, RNAV, maritime applications</p> <p><strong>Aerospace applications</strong><br>Navigation for spacecraft and space applications</p> <p><strong>Atmosphere and Environmental Sciences</strong><br>Ionosphere, environmental monitoring, climate change, meteorology</p> <p><strong>Safety and Security</strong><br>Search & rescue, security applications</p> <p><strong>ENC 2018 will accept full scientific papers, technical papers and abstracts:</strong></p> <p><strong>Track 1 – Full Scientific Paper</strong></p> <ul><li>IEEE AESS Technical Co–sponsorship.</li><li>Published manuscripts are included into IEEE Xplore Database and Conference Digital Program.</li><li>Full–papers will undergo a thorough peer–review process, and only excellent accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore database. Other accepted papers will be proposed in the Conference Digital Program.</li><li>There is no pre–submission of abstracts in this track.</li></ul> <p><strong>Track 2 – Abstract or Technical Paper</strong></p> <ul><li>Published abstract and/or technical paper is included in the Conference Digital Program only (i.e. not IEEE xPlore).</li><li>Abstracts and technical papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee for correctness, and authors will be notified about the acceptance.</li></ul><br><p><span lang="EN–US"></span></p> </div></section>
Deadline Paper
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