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The aim of the Ca2V workshop, as part of the IEEE VTC2018&#8211;Spring conference, is to bring together researchers, scientists and experts, from academia and industry, to discuss and share she/he experience and knowledge in vehicular technologies and intelligent transportation systems, emphasizing the impact, the current and new challenges and trends of autonomous and instrumented cars, on&#8211;board communication units and V2X interoperability, test&#8211;cases and scenarios for deployment of connected vehicles, intelligent infrastructure, cybersecurity, advances in AI&#8211;based systems, and the role of governance and regulations on driverless vehicles&#046;<br>We want to encourage discussion of current and new challenges in the various topics of automated vehicular technology and intelligent transportation&#046; The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>1) Communication systems for CAV (connected and autonomous vehicles)<br>2) Automated vehicular technologies<br>3) Vehicular Communications and Networks: V2V, V2I, V2X<br>4) Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) / Cooperative&#8211;ITS<br>5) Trends and emerging technologies on autonomous cars<br>6) Regulations on connected and automated vehicles<br>7) Connected and autonomous cars deployment in real&#8211;world conditions<br>8) Cooperative/collaborative vehicular systems<br>9) Test&#8211;cases, scenarios, real&#8211;world Pilots<br>10) Artificial intelligence influence on automated vehicles<br>11) Cyber security for connected and autonomous vehicles<br>12) Smart and connected infrastructure<br>13) Standardization &amp; Interoperability