Deadline Paper
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End Date

We invite you to join in shaping APSEC 2017 through the submissions to the conference’s tracks&#046; The submissions must describe original and unpublished research in all areas of Software Engineering that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere&#046; All paper submissions are rigorously reviewed by at least three reviewers and evaluated based on originality, technical quality, and relevance to software engineering concepts and technologies&#046; A selective set of accepted papers will be invited by the Program Committee to submit an extended version for publication in the special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software&#046;<br>Topics of Interest<br>(Topics relate to any aspect of software engineering that include, but are not limited to:)<br>Agile methodologies<br>Cloud and Service&#8211;oriented Computing<br>Component&#8211;based Software Engineering<br>Configuration Management and Deployment<br>Cooperative, Distributed, and Global Software Engineering<br>Cyber&#8211;physical Systems and Internet of Things<br>Debugging, Defect Prediction and Fault Localization<br>DevOps and Container<br>Embedded Real&#8211;time Systems<br>Empirical Software Engineering<br>Formal Methods<br>Human Factors and Social Aspects of Software Engineering<br>Middleware, Frameworks, and APIs<br>Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems<br>Model&#8211;driven and Domain&#8211;specific Engineering<br>Open Source Development<br>Parallel, Distributed, and Concurrent Systems<br>Programming Languages and Systems<br>Refactoring<br>Requirements Engineering<br>Reverse Engineering<br>Search&#8211;based Software Engineering<br>Security, Reliability, and Privacy<br>Software Architecture, Modelling and Design<br>Software Comprehension, Visualisation, and Traceability<br>Software Engineering Education<br>Software Engineering Process and Standards<br>Software Engineering for Smart Manufacturing<br>Software Engineering Tools and Environments<br>Software for Green and Sustainable Technologies<br>Software Maintenance and Evolution<br>Software Product&#8211;line Engineering<br>Software Project Management<br>Software Reuse<br>Software Repository Mining and Data Analytics<br>Testing, Verification, and Validation<br>Web&#8211;based Software Engineering<br>