We invite you to join in shaping APSEC 2017 through the submissions to the conference’s tracks. The submissions must describe original and unpublished research in all areas of Software Engineering that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. All paper submissions are rigorously reviewed by at least three reviewers and evaluated based on originality, technical quality, and relevance to software engineering concepts and technologies. A selective set of accepted papers will be invited by the Program Committee to submit an extended version for publication in the special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software.<br>Topics of Interest<br>(Topics relate to any aspect of software engineering that include, but are not limited to:)<br>Agile methodologies<br>Cloud and Service–oriented Computing<br>Component–based Software Engineering<br>Configuration Management and Deployment<br>Cooperative, Distributed, and Global Software Engineering<br>Cyber–physical Systems and Internet of Things<br>Debugging, Defect Prediction and Fault Localization<br>DevOps and Container<br>Embedded Real–time Systems<br>Empirical Software Engineering<br>Formal Methods<br>Human Factors and Social Aspects of Software Engineering<br>Middleware, Frameworks, and APIs<br>Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems<br>Model–driven and Domain–specific Engineering<br>Open Source Development<br>Parallel, Distributed, and Concurrent Systems<br>Programming Languages and Systems<br>Refactoring<br>Requirements Engineering<br>Reverse Engineering<br>Search–based Software Engineering<br>Security, Reliability, and Privacy<br>Software Architecture, Modelling and Design<br>Software Comprehension, Visualisation, and Traceability<br>Software Engineering Education<br>Software Engineering Process and Standards<br>Software Engineering for Smart Manufacturing<br>Software Engineering Tools and Environments<br>Software for Green and Sustainable Technologies<br>Software Maintenance and Evolution<br>Software Product–line Engineering<br>Software Project Management<br>Software Reuse<br>Software Repository Mining and Data Analytics<br>Testing, Verification, and Validation<br>Web–based Software Engineering<br>
Deadline Paper
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