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The Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by billions of heterogeneous, distributed, and intelligent things –both from the digital and the physical worlds– running applications and services from the Internet of Services (IoS)&#046; Things span, for instance, simple RFID tags, sensors, actuators, as well as computers, autonomous robots, and self&#8211;driving vehicles&#046; Often, things are connected through heterogeneous platforms also providing support for, e&#046;g&#046;, data collection and management and applications deployment&#046; Additionally, things can offer their functionalities as (web) services facilitating them to interact with each other dynamically&#046;<br>Since IoT systems are composed by a variety of things and services, a key aspect of engineering IoT systems is their architecture&#046; A wide range of challenges needs to be addressed both at design and run&#8211;time when designing IoT systems’ architecture&#046; For instance, while designing and managing IoT systems, services, and platforms, some examples of challenges to tackle are heterogeneity, adaptability, reusability, interoperability, uncertainty, security, and privacy while also taking into account the human in the loop bringing needs on the systems’ functionalities and qualities&#046; Novel software architecture principles are needed to overcome these challenges for IoT systems&#046;<br>The objective of IoT&#8211;ASAP 2018, International Workshop on Engineering IoT systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms, is again to bring together researchers and practitioners from several areas (e&#046;g&#046;, Architecture, Internet of Things (IoT), Service&#8211;Oriented Computing, Self&#8211;Adaptive Systems, Multi&#8211;Agent Systems, User Interaction and Experience) to investigate and discuss state of the art, principles, challenges of, and (interdisciplinary) approaches for, engineering IoT systems&#046; The workshop takes place in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Software Architectures (ICSA 2018) and IoT&#8211;ASAP 2018 proficiently complements other ICSA events like the technical track, the industry track, and the new ideas track&#046;<br>TOPICS OF INTEREST<br>Topics related to IoT Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms include but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Design approaches for IoT systems<br>&#8211; Architectural interoperability in IoT systems<br>&#8211; Quality aspects in the IoT (e&#046;g&#046;, runtime dependability, assurances, validation, verification, privacy, security)<br>&#8211; Self&#8211;adaptation and context&#8211;awareness in the IoT<br>&#8211; User requirements specification and engineering for smart user&#8211;interactions in the IoT<br>&#8211; Discovery, composition and analysis of (intelligent) services and applications<br>&#8211; Engineering for emergent behavior/properties in the IoT<br>&#8211; (Continuous) deployment, composition, and monitoring in the IoT<br>&#8211; Autonomous agents and multi&#8211;agent IoT architectures, e&#046;g&#046;, collaboration, coordination, reasoning, collective intelligence<br>&#8211; Model&#8211;driven engineering for IoT systems<br>&#8211; Frameworks and middleware for the IoT<br>&#8211; Cloud computing for the IoT<br>&#8211; State&#8211;of&#8211;practice, experience reports, industrial experiments, and case studies in the IoT<br>&#8211; Simulation techniques and tools for the IoT<br>&#8211; Inter&#8211;disciplinary approaches for building and adapting IoT systems<br>&#8211; Formal methods for IoT systems<br>Application areas include &#8211; but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Smart Home, Smart Living<br>&#8211; Smart Cities, Smart Transportation, Smart Energy<br>&#8211; Smart Health, Smart Learning<br>&#8211; Industry 4&#046;0 / Industrial Internet<br>&#8211; System of IoT Systems<br>