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A smart city (also smarter city) uses digital technologies to enhance performance and wellbeing, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens&#046; Developing a smart city to better support growing urban population is a global and complex challenge and involves interdisciplinary fields&#046; Key ‘smart’ sectors include transportation, cloud computing, networking, smart building, energy, health care, and water systems&#046;<br>IEEE SmartCity&#8211;2018 is aiming to be a premier international conference in smart city&#046; This conference is to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers and researchers to discuss and exchange experimental or theoretical results, novel designs, work&#8211;in&#8211;progress, experience, case studies, and trend&#8211;setting ideas in the area of smart city include all aspects of smart city with emphasis on algorithms, systems, models, compilers, architectures, tools, design methodologies, test and applications&#046;<br>