Smart SysTech
Deadline Paper
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*Topics of Interest*<br>Internet of Things<br>• Industry 4&#046;0<br>• Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>• Internet of Things<br>• Life Cycle Management<br>• Smart Factory<br>• Smart Grid, Smart Metering<br>• Home Automation<br>• 3D Printing<br>• Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)<br>Smart Objects and Technologies<br>• Embedded SmartX Objects<br>• RFID Technologies &amp; Applications<br>• NFC Technologies &amp; Applications<br>• Ultra Low Power Concepts<br>• Wireless Technologies (Bluetooth LE, 6LoWPAN, etc&#046;)<br>• Distributed Intelligence<br>• Sensors and Actuators<br>• Printed Electronics and New Materials<br>• Smart Object Manufacturing Technologies<br>Smart Objects and Communication<br>• Wireless Networks: Technologies and Auto&#8211;configuration<br>• Sensor Networks, Smart Dust<br>• Communication Protocols and Service Abstraction<br>• Standardization and Regulatory Issues<br>• Antenna Design and Air Interface<br>• Anti&#8211;collision schemes<br>• Propagation &amp; Channel Modelling<br>System Design, Integration and Applications<br>• Smart Objects and Applications<br>• AutoID System Design<br>• ID and Sensors in Cloud Computing<br>• System Modelling<br>• Security, Privacy Concepts, Cryptographic Methods<br>• Middleware and Databases<br>• Dependable Systems, Reliability<br>• Positioning and Localization<br>Economic, Security and Sociologic Aspects of Smart Objects<br>• Logistics and Supply Chain Management (e&#046;g&#046;, Tracking and Tracing)<br>• Smart Logistics<br>• Manufacturing Control, Industrial Process Automation<br>• Health Care, Pharmaceutical<br>• Business Value and Performance Measurement<br>• Business Models<br>• Security and Privacy<br>• Sociological Aspects and Technology Acceptance<br>• Energy&#8211; and Sustainability Management<br>• eMobility<br>