<p><strong>AICT 2018 conference tracks:</strong></p> <p><strong>Trends on protocols and communications models</strong></p> <p> DNS resolvers; Scheduling streamed information; Adaptive streaming; TCP–based streaming; Impatience in cellular networks; Analysis of transient phases; Setup delays servers; Spatial–temporal traffic models; Stability models; Rendezvous algorithms; Network coding; Opportunistic protocols; Cooperative data exchange; Energy efficient–contention protocols; Named data networking; Adaptive contention window; Network mobility models; Spectrum aggregation schemes; Smart meters; Dynamic load; Environment adaptive routing protocols; Geographic and virtual coordinates; High spectral efficiency communications; Power constraints; Video broadcast; Multicell networks; Energy harvesting; Interference avoidance; MIMO and massive MIMO; Channel feedback protocols; Computation offloading; Path–cooperative transport</p> <p><strong>New telecommunications technologies</strong></p> <p> Software defined data centers; Botnet in SDNs; Software defined 5G networks; HetNets and 5G; Smart buildings and IoT; Secure SDNs; Standardization for IoTs; 4G to 5G translation; Managing 5G LTE–Advanced networks; LTE heterogeneous networks; LTE–R measurements; Scheduling for LTE–Advanced; Traffic with Big Data; QoE–aware radio; QoS and QoE in LTE networks; Telecommunications in Smart Cities; IoT virtual networks; Device–to–device Internet; Mobile clouds; Smart and sustainable cities; Public data centers; Traffic profiles in data centers; Smart energy; Car Connectivity; Green communications systems</p> <p><strong>Trends on telecommunications features and services</strong></p> <p> Cloud services for communities and citizens; Mobile location analytics; Video distribution networks; Dynamic video streaming; Cross–layer energy optimization; Power–aware media; Digital platforms regulation; Content delivery networks; M2M protocols; Identity management; Converged communication networks; Web–based communication services; Node localizations; Indoor positioning; Management plane; Community structure detection; Preventing DDoS attacks; Multifactor authentication; Man–in–the–middle attacks; Bundle streaming service; Self–organizing cloud cells; Soft–coded and hard–coded relaying</p> <p><strong>Signal processing, protocols and standardization</strong></p> <p>Standardization (IEEE 802.17, Policy Models, Etc.); IEEE 802.11 engineering; Telecommunications protocol engineering; Future networks: protocol and standards; Standardization (IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16); Communication theory, signal processing, modulation; Modulation, coding and synchronization; Propagation, antennas and channel characterization; Signal separation and Interference rejection; Critical infrastructure protection</p> <p><strong>Architectures and communication technologies for 4G and 5G wireless networks</strong></p> <p>5G technologies and networking; Mobile network expansion solutions (small cells, Cloud–RAN, etc.); 5G radio–access networks (RAN); D2D communications in cellular networks; Aggregation techniques and interaction with unlicensed wireless technologies; Communications over mmWave spectrum; End–to–end network architecture and infrastructure; Interworking between heterogeneous networks and technologies; Automated management, orchestration and operation of network functions; Software defined networking (SDN) and 5G; Mobility management, energy efficiency, power cost reduction in 5G networks; Network function virtualization (NFV) of small cells; Self–organizing network functionalities for virtualized small cells; The role of open source software in 5G; Indoor/outdoor positioning; Massive connectivity handling; Technoeconomics of future mobile networks; New telecommunications business models</p> <p><strong>Ad Hoc, autonomic and sensor networks</strong></p> <p>Autonomic home networking; Sensor, mesh, and Ad hoc networks; Programmable networks; Active networks; Self–organization and network reconfiguration; Partial and intermittent resources and services; Unicast and multicast routing; Radio resource sharing in wireless networks; Energy–efficient communications; Vehicular Ad hoc networks; Underwater sensor networks; Emerging sensor technologies; Intelligent video surveilance; Multi–sensor surveillance;</p> <p><strong>Wireless technologies</strong></p> <p>3G And 4G Mobile communications services; Evolution from 2G To 2.5G, 3G and beyond; Wireless multimedia and networks and systems; Cellular and Ad hoc networks; Mobile broadband technologies; Mobile software (agents); Wireless access (WPAN, WLAN, WLL); Wireless communications antennas and propagation and transmission technologies; Vertical, horizontal and diagonalhandover; Broadband wireless technology (HSDPA, HSUPA, LTE, Wimax, Wiran); Cross–layer modeling and design; Heterogeneity and diversity; Ultra–wideband communications (UWB); Wireless hacking;</p> <p><strong>Management, operation and control networks</strong></p> <p>Monitoring telecommunicaitons systems; Network management contingency challenges; Real–time traffic and QoS; Performance and QoS, traffic engineering (MPLS, Diffserv, Intserv, Etc.); Telecommunications management and control of heterogeneous networks; Mobility control and mobility engineering; Mobile video surveillance; Mobility and QoS management; Communications networks security; Information security; IPR and network security;</p> <p><strong>Core technologies and access technologies and networks</strong></p> <p> Wireless–fiber convergence; Metro/Access networks; Broadband access networks and services; Next Generation Networks and technologies; Future Internet; Inteligent & Smart networks; Grid, Cluster and Internet computing; Designing and management of optical networks; Performance of optical networks; Future technologies in optical communications; PLC (Homeplug, OPERA, UPA, CEPCA, IEEE, HD–PLC Alliance);</p> <p><strong>Future applications and services</strong></p> <p>Service–oriented architectures; E–Learning and mobile learning on telecommunications; SOHO (Small Offices/Home Offices; Emerging telecommunications software tools; Object and component technologies in telecommunication software; Platforms for Web Services–based applications and services; Web Services communications, applications, and performance; Applications in telemedicine; Security and trust in future services applications;</p> <p><strong>Optical Technologies</strong></p> <p>Optical internetworking architectures; Novel architectures for optical routers and switches; Optical packet / burst switching; Optical multi–wavelength label switching; Optical network performance modeling; Optical network control and management; Measurement, monitoring and supervision techniques; Security and privacy in optical networks; Optical access networks designs and protocols; High speed optical LANs and gigabit Ethernet; Energy efficiency in optical networks; Inter–working between optical and wireless networks; Optical Grids, optical networking for cloud computing; Optical integrated circuits and novel transmission methods; Standards for optical internetworking; Optical networks for future Internet design; Multi–domain routing protocols for IP over optical networks; Control and management protocols for IP over optical networks; Next–generation IP networking and Optical Internet; Development prospect for Optical Internet; Optical transmission systems and technologies; Optical access systems and technologies; Optical devices</p> <p><strong>Cognitive radio</strong></p> <p>Cognitive radio technologies and opportunistic spectrum utilization; Spectrum sensing technologies; Dynamic spectrum access; Information theory and performance limits of dynamic spectrum access; Distributed algorithms for spectrum detection and cooperative spectrum sensing; Inter– and Intra– standards interoperability; Cross–layer algorithms based on spectrum sensing techniques; Advanced signal processing techniques for cognitive radio; Physical–layer design of software radio and cognitive radio transceivers; Interference and coexistence analysis; Radio resource allocation; Decision making; Game theory; Cognitive radio with reinforcement learning; SWR and CR management; Cognitive radio sensing in the large and feature detection; Spectrum and performance management in cognitive radio networks; Cognitive radio applications; Future Internet with cognitive technologies; Flexible and opportunistic wireless access; Multimedia communications through cognitive networks; Regulatory policies on spectrum sharing for future broadband networks; Cognitive radio standards; Cognitive radio architecture for equipments; Enabling SDR technology for cognitive radio; Hardware reconfigurability; Testbbeds</p> <p><strong>Teletraffic modeling and management</strong></p> <p>Traffic and performance measurements; Traffic characterization and modeling; Trends and patterns; Scaling phenomena; Packet and flow level models; Traffic control and QosS; Queuing theory and queuing networks; Performance evaluation; Scheduling and admission control; Reservation and priority mechanisms; Overload control; Broadcast and multicast traffic control; Analytical and numerical analysis; Network design and optimization of wired and wireless networks; Mobility and resource management; Traffic monitoring and management; Traffic engineering in multi–technology networks; Internet traffic engineering; Traffic grooming; Simulation methodology for communications networks; Simulation models and tools;</p> <p><strong>E–Learning and telecommunications</strong></p> <p>Architecture of learning technology systems; Advanced uses of multimedia and hypermedia; Integrated learning and educational environments; National and international projects on e–learning and telecommunications; Remote and wireless teaching technologies; Navigational aspects for learning; e–Learning industry and universities programs; Anytime/anywhere e–learning and wearable network devices; Tutoring e–learning applications and services; Cost models for e–learning on telecommunications; Satellite technologies for e–learning; Teaching e–learning methodologies and technologies; Adaptive e–learning and intelligent applications/tools; Agent technology; Training e–learning teachers; Practical uses of authoring tools; Application of metadata and virtual reality; Collaborative learning/groupware; Intelligent tutoring systems; Internet based systems; Application of instructional design theories; Evaluation of learning technology systems; Standards related activities</p><p><br></p>
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