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Big Data &amp; Analytics 2018 Session of the International Congress 2018 focuses on Big Data as a<br>Service, Big Data Open Platforms, Big Data Encryption, Big Data Analytics and Metrics and<br>many parameters&#046; This session aims to summarize the latest development of Big Data &amp;<br>Analytics as well as deployment experiences&#046;<br>The International Congress 2018 is a massive attempt by the Association of Scientists,<br>Developers and Faculties&#046; This aims at the higher end quality selection of the paper&#046; At a single<br>instance, there are almost 44 International Conferences happening at the same venue&#046; All the<br>participants will get the certificate from the Committee whomever it be if Listener or Author or<br>Poster presenter&#046;<br>Topics<br>Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing<br>Big Data Analytics and Metrics<br>Representation Formats for Multimedia Big Data<br>Foundational Models for Big Data<br>Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data<br>Big Data as a Service<br>Big Data Open Platforms<br>Big Data in Mobile and Pervasive Computing<br>Big Data Persistence and Preservation<br>Big Data Quality and Provenance Control<br>Management Issues of Social Network Big Data<br>Models and Languages for Big Data Protection<br>Privacy Preserving Big Data Analytics<br>Big Data Encryption<br>Collaborative Threat Detection using Big Data Analytics<br>Anomaly Detection in Very Large Scale Systems<br>Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search<br>Distributed, and Peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer Search<br>Machine learning based on Big Data<br>Visualization Analytics for Big Data<br>Big Data Economics<br>Real&#8211;life Case Studies of Value Creation through Big Data Analytics<br>Big Data for Business Model Innovation<br>Big Data Toolkits<br>Big Data in Business Performance Management<br>SME&#8211;centric Big Data Analytics<br>Big Data for Vertical Industries (including Government, Healthcare, and Environment)<br>Scientific Applications of Big Data<br>Large&#8211;scale Social Media and Recommendation Systems<br>Experiences with Big Data Project Deployments<br>Big Data in Enterprise Management Models and Practices<br>Big Data in Government Management Models and Practices<br>Big Data in Smart Planet Solutions<br>Big Data for Enterprise Transformation<br>Not limited to the above topics, but ensure that there is no other major areas of Conference which<br>is running parallel to this&#046;<br>