Los Angeles
United States
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Internet of Things (IoT) is poised for a disruptive growth in the near future and is projected as a major economic driver for years to come&#046; Related technologies in the fields of industry 4&#046;0, autonomous systems like Connected Robotics, etc can also leverage the advancements made in this ecosystem&#046; However, the realization of this dream poses multitudes of challenges owing to its size, scalability, diversity, openness&#046; The goal of AIoTAS is to provide a platform to host researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry and share their experience and solutions to the multitude of issues related to future large&#8211;scale systems&#046; The workshop will help to evolve a consolidated architecture for an IoT system and like&#046; The workshop aims to provide authors with useful feedback about their work and facilitate networking within the community&#046;<br>SCOPE and TOPICS<br>The workshop aims to highlight the issues related to architecture of an IoT system, though not restricted to it&#046; We welcome submissions on techniques, experiments, experience reports and tools&#046; The broad areas of interest for AIoTAS 2017 include, but are not limited to:<br>* Architectures for Embedded Systems (Sensor&#8211;actuator network, IoT, Robotics)<br>* Sensor and sensing technologies<br>* Actuator and acting technologies<br>* Low power and energy harvesting<br>* Real&#8211;time systems<br>* IoT data analytics<br>* Cloud&#8211;based IoT<br>* Embedded software<br>* Smart devices<br>* Connected Robots<br>