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MIPRO 2018 is technically co&#8211;sponsored by IEEE Region 8&#046; It is an exceptional international ICT convention having the longest tradition in Southern Europe recognized as a meeting point of technical experts, researchers, educators, practicing engineers, businessmen, as well as representatives from public and local government&#046; We expect more than thousand participants from Europe and all over the world&#046;<br>MIPRO 2018 will be held in Opatija, the well known resort at the Adriatic eastern coast, with a long tourist and cultural tradition along with a beautiful and interesting surrounding&#046;<br>List of conferences:<br>MEET &#8211; Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technology<br>DS&#8211;DC &#8211; Data and Life Sciences supported by Distributed Computing<br>CTI &#8211; Telecommunications &amp; Information<br>CE &#8211; Computers in Education<br>CTS &#8211; Computers in Technical Systems<br>CIS &#8211; Intelligent Systems<br>ISS &#8211; Information Systems Security<br>miproBIS &#8211; Business Intelligence Systems<br>DE&#8211;GLGPS &#8211; Digital Economy and Government/Local Government/Public Services<br>EE &#8211; Engineering Education<br>SSE &#8211; Software and Systems Engineering<br>SP &#8211; MIPRO Junior &#8211; Student Papers<br>