SBCCI is an international forum dedicated to integrated circuits and systems design, test and electronic design automation (EDA), held annually in Brazil. The 31th SBCCI will take place in Bento Gonçalves, the main wine region in Brazil. The goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers in the areas of EDA, design and test of integrated circuits and systems. The scope of the symposium includes technical sessions, tutorials and panels, as well as an exhibition and working group meetings.<br>SBCCI strongly encourages international submissions. Prospective authors from around the world are invited to submit manuscripts in English for consideration by the Program Committee. Manuscripts must contain a maximum of 6 pages, two–column, following the ACM Press guidelines and be prepared for double–blind review. Submissions of manuscripts previously published by other conferences or journals will not be considered by the program committee. SBCCI submissions must be made electronically (in PDF format) via the conference website. For proposals on special sessions, tutorials, panels and tool demos, please email a short description to the program chairs directly in advance of the submission deadline. Au–thors should include the complete address, phone/fax numbers and email address, and designate a contact person and a presenter. The proceedings will be published by the ACM Press and will remain available at the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.<br>The submissions to SBCCI should be made to one of four tracks, whichever is the most appropriate at the authors judgment. Efforts are going towards a fair balance of the published papers in equal parts in the different areas.<br>The areas of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>– Analog & RF & Mixed Signal;<br>–EDA,Verification and Test;<br>– Digital, Reconfigurable & Applications;<br>– SoC, NoC, Embedded;<br>– Industrial Application of ASICs (Computing, Communication, Consumer, Transportation, Medical/Healthcare,Energy Generation, Recovery, and Management Systems, and others);<br>
Bento Gonçalves
Deadline Paper
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End Date