The International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD) provides a forum for both academics and practitioners working on cloud computing and big data technologies to explore new ideas, share their experiences and leverage each other’s perspectives. Besides the latest research achievements, this conference also covers cloud/big data industry practices and their broad applications, and gives all participants a chance to identify the new/emerging “hot” trends in these areas. We solicit original papers on a wide range of cloud computing and big data topics that can be divided into three tracks but are not limited to:<br>Research Track<br>– Cloud Security and Privacy<br>– Cloud Data Center Networking<br>– Cloud Virtualization<br>– Cloud Storage<br>– Cloud Resource Management<br>– Multi/Hybrid/Inter Cloud<br>– Big Data Processing/Mining/Query<br>– Cloud Workflow Scheduling<br>– Cloud based Machine/Deep Learning<br>– Cloud–Edge Architecture/Algorithm<br>– Cloud based Industrial Internet<br>– Green Cloud<br>Industry Track<br>– Cloud Computing Solutions<br>– Cloud Computing Specifications/Standards<br>– Big Data in Economic Analytics<br>– Big Data in Smart City/Home<br>– Big Data in Industry Practices<br>Application Track<br>– Industrial Internet<br>– Mobile Edge Computing<br>– Machine/Deep Learning<br>– Social Networking<br>– Knowledge Graph<br>
Deadline Paper
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