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Among the verification and validation (V&amp;V) strategies software testing methods are the ones most commonly used in industry&#046;<br>Software testing can be very effective both in revealing failures and assessing functional correctness, however, testing cannot<br>provide evidence of the absence of faults&#046; More rigorous and effective strategies to reason about correctness range from model<br>checking to model&#8211;based software testing methods&#046; These V&amp;V methods are typically applied at design time&#046; Therefore, the<br>assessment of system properties occurring during system execution for reassuring these system properties after adaption requires<br>not only traditional V&amp;V methods to be applied at runtime but also the adoption of novel ones to be applied in the various adaption<br>phases&#046; For example, the system may be adapted and reach a state that was unforeseen at design time, thus the system has not been<br>verified for that state&#046; Therefore, the following questions arise:<br>➢ Which properties can be exclusively verified/tested at design time?<br>➢ Which properties can be verified/tested at time of system configuration?<br>➢ Which properties need to be verified/tested at runtime?<br>➢ Which properties can be verified/tested either at design time, configuration time, or run&#8211;time?<br>Therefore, this workshop brings together academics and practitioners to exchange and discuss the latest synergies on adaptive<br>systems as well as methods and techniques for V&amp;V of these systems&#046; We explicitly encourage participation of researchers from<br>different communities that intersect with self&#8211;adaptive systems and their V&amp;V&#046; The workshop will be set in an informal and<br>cooperative atmosphere with a specific format allotted to discussions&#046; Beside of topical cross&#8211;fertilization, VVASS 2018 provides<br>an excellent networking opportunity&#046;<br>AREAS OF INTEREST<br>* Simulation and continuous experimentation<br>&#046;Simulation environments<br>&#046;Context dependent requirements<br>&#046;Feedback&#8211;loops to handle uncertainties<br>&#046;Explicit boundaries for adaptive behavior<br>&#046;Model evolution<br>&#046;Continuous experimentation and cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>* Case studies and use cases<br>&#046;Fail&#8211;safe, fail&#8211;silent, fail&#8211;operational systems<br>&#046;Safety of intended functionality: ISO 26262, ISO/WD PAS 21448<br>&#046;Adaption mechanisms<br>&#046;Elastic computing<br>&#046;Machine&#8211;learning based adaptive mechanisms<br>&#046;Models at runtime<br>&#046;Case studies from domains such as autonomous driving, advanced driver assistance systems, robotics, industrial automation<br>* SELF&#8211;* and runtime monitoring<br>&#046;Run&#8211;time verification<br>&#046;V&amp;V monitors<br>&#046;(Re)configuration<br>&#046;Adaption properties such as stability, robustness, consistency, security or safety<br>&#046;Context monitoring<br>&#046;Context&#8211;dependent properties<br>* Testing methods for adaptive systems<br>&#046;Test case derivation &amp; selection<br>&#046;Test execution<br>&#046;Test oracles<br>&#046;Model&#8211;based testing<br>