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DSA 2018 is a combination of the Fourth International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications (TSA) and the Third International Symposium on Dependable Computing and Internet of Things (DCIT)&#046; In the past, both TSA and DCIT were technically sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society&#046; Following the same tradition, DSA 2018 also has the same technical sponsorship from IEEE&#046; It is organized by the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization at the Chinese Academy of Sciences&#046; In addition, the conference receives support from Dalian University of Technology and Wuhan University of Technology&#046;<br>DSA 2018 focuses on innovative methodologies, techniques, tools, management, and applications to produce dependable and trustworthy systems and their applications in a more cost&#8211;effective way&#046; It provides a discussion forum to bring together academic researchers, industry practitioners, and government policy and decision makers to exchange ideas and results, share experiences, and explore possible solutions to overcome current challenges&#046;<br>The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>* Algorithms, Architecture, Framework, Design Patterns and Maintenance for Dependable Systems and Software<br>* Security, Threats, Privacy, Safety, and Risk Management<br>* Dependability and Reliability Modeling and Measurement<br>* Fault Tolerance, Survivability, Resilience, and Availability<br>* Metrics, Measurement, and Quality Assessment<br>* Requirements, Process, Standards, Productivity, and Project Management<br>* Quality Assurance, Maintenance, and Reverse Engineering and Re&#8211;Engineering<br>* Verification, Validation, Testing, Analysis, Debugging, Model Checking, and Program Repair<br>* Formal Methods and Theories<br>* Communication, Networking, Optimization, and Performance<br>* Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service&#8211;Oriented, and Clouding Computing<br>* Collaborative, Distributed, Embedded, Real&#8211;Time, High Performance, Highly Dependable, Intelligent, Multimedia Systems<br>* Big Data and Storage<br>* Prognosties and Health Management<br>* IoT, Supply Chain, Cyber&#8211;physical Systems, Industry 4&#046;0, and Smart City<br>* Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices<br>* Applications, Tools, and Automation<br>