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Component&#8211;based software development proposes sound engineering<br>principles and techniques to cope with the complexity of<br>present&#8211;day software systems&#046; However, many challenging conceptual and<br>technological issues remain in component&#8211;based software development<br>theory and practice&#046; Furthermore, the advent of service&#8211;oriented and<br>cloud computing, cyber&#8211;physical systems, and the Internet of Things<br>has brought to the fore new dimensions, such as quality of service and<br>robustness to withstand faults, which require revisiting established<br>concepts and developing new ones&#046;<br>FACS 2018 is concerned with how formal methods can be applied to<br>component&#8211;based software and system development&#046; Formal methods have<br>provided foundations for component&#8211;based software through research on<br>mathematical models for components, composition and adaptation, and<br>rigorous approaches to verification, deployment, testing, and certification&#046;<br>The conference seeks to address the application of<br>formal methods in all aspects of software components and<br>services&#046; Specific topics include, but are not limited to:<br>* formal models for software components and their interaction;<br>* formal aspects of services, service&#8211;oriented architectures, business<br>processes, cloud computing, cyber&#8211;physical systems, Internet of<br>Things, and similar artifacts;<br>* design and verification methods for software components and services;<br>* composition and deployment: models, calculi, languages;<br>* formal methods and modeling languages for components and services;<br>* models for QoS and other extra&#8211;functional properties (e&#046;g&#046;, trust,<br>compliance, security) of components and services;<br>* components for real&#8211;time, safety&#8211;critical, secure, and/or embedded<br>systems;<br>* components for the Internet of things and cyber&#8211;physical systems;<br>* probabilistic techniques for modeling and verification of<br>component&#8211;based systems;<br>* model&#8211;based testing of components and services;<br>* case studies and experience reports;<br>* tools supporting formal methods for components and services&#046;<br>