CM MobiCom, the premier conference on mobile computing and wireless networking, seeks full papers describing significant research contributions in the systems design and implementation, practice, or theoretical aspects of providing users with an enriched and ubiquitous mobile or wireless experience. Papers addressing important challenges in access/communication, energy, computing, security and user experience as it applies to wireless networking and mobile computing form the core of the conference. We also invite submissions on a wide range of mobile computing and wireless networking research, including but not limited to:<br>Communications for Embedded and Energy–Harvesting Systems<br>Edge Computing<br>Long–Range/Low–Power Wide–Area Wireless Networking<br>Low–Latency Networking<br>Machine–to–Machine Communications<br>Millimeter wave and Terahertz Communications<br>Mobile Web<br>Next–Generation 5G mobile networks<br>Visible Light Communications<br>Mobile Data Science & Analysis<br>Mobile/Wireless Research & Cloud Computing<br>Mobile/Wireless Research & Software–Defined Networking<br>Sensing with Radio, Light, Sound, and Vibration<br>Wearable Computing<br>
New Delhi
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