WSCE--Ei Compendex
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

We encourage original submissions related to, but not limited to the following communication engineering topics:<br>&#8211; Next generation (5G) mobile communications<br>&#8211; Heterogeneous networks and small cells<br>&#8211; Big data networking<br>&#8211; Protocols, architectures and applications for the Internet of Things<br>&#8211; ICT for smart cities<br>&#8211; Network functions virtualization and software defined networking<br>&#8211; Green communications and energy efficiency<br>&#8211; Self &#8211; Assisting/self &#8211; deploying networks<br>&#8211; Cognitive radio and networks<br>&#8211; Wireless sensor and actuator networks<br>&#8211; D2D and M2M communications<br>&#8211; Ad &#8211; hoc communications<br>&#8211; Cooperative communications<br>&#8211; Multi &#8211; antenna and beamforming systems<br>&#8211; Game theory for communications<br>&#8211; Signal processing for communications<br>&#8211; Wireless communication testbeds, measurements and modelling<br>&#8211; Advances in 3G and 4G mobile communications<br>&#8211; Optical networks and converged optical&#8211;wireless networks<br>&#8211; Smart grid communications<br>&#046;&#046;&#046;<br>