The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Control: Adaptive control; Robust control; Process control; Complex systems; Co–operative control;<br>Identification and estimation; Nonlinear systems; Intelligent systems; Discrete event systems; Hybrid<br>systems; Networked control systems; Sensor networks; Multi–agent systems; Delay systems; Neural<br>networks; Fuzzy systems; Control of biological systems; Precision motion control; Control applications;<br>Control engineering education; Marine systems; Data analytics.<br>Automation: Man–machine interactions; Process automation; Intelligent automation; Factory modeling and<br>simulation; Home, laboratory and service automation; Network–based systems; Planning, scheduling and<br>coordination; Nano–scale automation and assembly; Instrumentation systems; Biomedical instrumentation<br>and applications; Building energy efficiency.<br>Robotics: Modeling and identification; multi–robot systems; Robot control; Mobile robotics; Mobile sensor<br>networks; Perception systems; Micro robots and micro–manipulation; Visual servoing; Search, rescue and<br>field robotics; Robot sensing and data fusion; Localization, navigation and mapping; Dexterous<br>manipulation; Medical robots and bio–robotics; Human centered systems; Space and underwater robots;<br>Tele–robotics; Mechanism design and applications.<br>Vision: Image/video analysis; Image–based modeling; Stereo and Structure from motion; Feature<br>extraction, grouping and segmentation; Scene analysis; Object recognition; Learning and Statistical<br>methods; Human–computer interaction; Tracking and surveillance; Biometrics; Vision for robots;<br>Activity/behavior recognition; Medical Image Analysis; Face and Gesture.<br>Emerging Technologies: Internet of things; Cyber–physical systems; Smart buildings, Smart grid; Energy<br>management systems; Big data; Electric vehicles and intelligent transportation.<br>
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