Highlights<br>Keynote presentations:<br>Business and high–tech experts speak about future trends and emerging technologies, their implications on industries and companies as well as about Silicon Saxony’s direct impact, presenting not only visionary ideas but existing projects.<br>Expert Sessions:<br>Experienced leaders will advise on how to implement the principles of digital entrepreneurship and marketing strategies, establish a corporate culture and recruit high–skilled personnel.<br>Human Machine Interaction Demo Jam:<br>Display your innovative technology in a 10 – 15 minutes demonstration to a high–profile audience.<br>Speed Dating with Students:<br>Silicon Saxony brings together graduates and companies, supporting the high–tech industries in their recruiting efforts.<br>Exhibition & Exhibitor Pitch:<br>Become an exhibitor and present your company and newest products to our audience during the exhibitor pitch.<br>Silicon Saxony Day Club Night:<br>Together, we will let the day come to a close in an informal atmosphere, using the evening once more to interconnect and to network.<br>
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End Date