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The aim of the 2nd CA2V International Workshop, as part of the IEEE ICVES 2018 conference, is to bring together researchers, professionals, policymakers, stakeholders and experts in vehicular electronics, active safety and protection systems, vehicular communications and IV/ITS related topics, to discuss and share she/he experience on current and future challenges of advanced safety technologies for connected and autonomous&#8211;automated vehicles (CAV)&#046;<br>The CA2V theme is Advanced safety technologies for Autonomous Driving, emphasizing the current (on&#8211;going) and the next generation of safety and protection systems within a Connected&#8211;Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C&#8211;ITS) environment&#046; Therefore, cooperative and multimodal sensor based advanced perception/protection systems, using artificial intelligence (AI) and/or machine learning (ML), will be particularly addressed in the 2nd CA2V Workshop&#046;<br>We want to encourage discussion of current and new challenges in the various topics of vehicular electronics, safety technologies, and intelligent/AI based safety systems, including but not limited to:<br>1) Cooperative safe driving using V2X technologies<br>2) Safety and cooperative driving<br>3) Cybersecurity in autonomous vehicles<br>4) Connected autonomous/automated vehicles (CAV)<br>5) Active safety systems<br>6) AI and machine learning safety systems<br>7) Active protection systems<br>8) Advanced safety technologies for autonomous driving<br>9) Multisensor object detection for autonomous driving<br>10) Deep learning perception systems<br>11) Safety vehicular communications and networks: V2V, V2I, V2X<br>12) Intelligent transportation systems<br>13) Trends and emerging technologies on autonomous cars<br>14) Artificial intelligence influence on safety automated vehicles<br>