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The Medical Electronics Conference will see well&#8211;known representatives from research and industry discussing current issues and challenges, as well as subjects for the future&#046; From 2018, there will be a separate conference dedicated to the highlight topic of medical electronics&#046; As far as medicine is concerned this means that people will change from purely being users to being development partners who advise the electronics industry on their requirements and any potential critical pitfalls&#046;<br><div class="text_image" id="av_202_text_image_1"> <h3>Topics of the conference</h3> <div class="dom&#8211;fix text_pos continuous_text"> <div class="dom&#8211;fix&#8211;inline positionWithHeadline"> <p>Fields covered by the electronica Medical Electronics Conference</p> <p><b>Applications:</b></p> <ul><li class="li_format">Smart medical devices </li><li class="li_format">Collaborative robotics in the area of rehabilitation and nursing</li><li class="li_format">Diagnosis using microsystem technology (buzzword: lab&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;chip)</li><li class="li_format">Telemedicine in its different forms</li><li class="li_format">Fitness tracking applications: From the smartphone and smart watch to the cloud</li><li class="li_format">Big data/artificial intelligence in diagnosis and disease prevention </li><li class="li_format">Augmented reality in treatment and surgery </li><li class="li_format">Imaging techniques in medicine</li><li class="li_format">New sensor technologies for medicine (e&#046;g&#046;, digital medication, biochips, smart contact lenses, etc&#046;) </li><li class="li_format">Networked all the way to the cloud: Medical data enables people to be autonomous </li></ul> <p><b>Embedded technologies:</b></p> <ul><li class="li_format">Actuators used with patients (e&#046;g&#046;, insulin pumps, prosthetics)</li><li class="li_format">Embedded hardware for medical applications (components, devices)</li><li class="li_format">Embedded software for medical applications (operating systems, tools, middleware)</li><li class="li_format">Equipment and programs for imaging and image processing</li><li class="li_format">Development methods and processes/architecture </li><li class="li_format">Connectivity </li><li class="li_format">Debugging and (automated) tests</li></ul> <p><b>Security:</b></p> <ul><li class="li_format">Data security in medicine: Cyber security for patient data</li><li class="li_format">Approval and certification of medical electronic devices </li><li class="li_format">Safety in medical electronics: Focus on patient safety</li></ul> <p><b>Usability:</b></p> <ul><li class="li_format">Man&#8211;machine interfaces (requirements, design, user friendliness, ergonomics, etc&#046;)</li><li class="li_format">Usability of medical electronic devices from a developer’s perspective</li><li class="li_format">Usability of medical electronic devices from a user’s perspective</li><li class="li_format">Software ergonomics</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text_image" id="av_202_text_image_3"> <h3>Target group</h3> <div class="dom&#8211;fix text_pos continuous_text"> <div class="dom&#8211;fix&#8211;inline positionWithHeadline"> <p>The target group of the new electronica Medical Electronics Conference includes hardware and software developers, engineers, decision&#8211;makers, scientists, and doctors involved the development and use of medical electronic devices, as well as buyers in medicine and representatives of health insurance companies who want to get first&#8211;hand information about trends in medical electronics&#046; </p> </div> </div> </div>