Since 2004, ICDCIT conference series is a global platform for Computer Science researchers to exchange research results and ideas on the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Internet Technology. These technologies are increasingly relevant to individuals and organizations who engage in the production, processing and dissemination of knowledge. The 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT–2019) will take place in Bhubaneswar during 10–13th January 2019. It will be organized by KIIT, Bhubaneswar, India. Like the previous years, the proceedings of the conference is planned to be published by Springer in the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.<br>ICDCIT–2019 solicits original research papers contributing to the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Internet Technology in the following broad areas:<br>Distributed Computing<br>Distributed Algorithms<br>Concurrency and Parallelism<br>System Specification and Verification: Formal Methods.<br>Distributed Artificial Intelligence<br>Secure Computing and Communication<br>Cloud and P2P Systems<br>Cyber Physical Systems<br>Big Data Systems and Services<br>Internet Technologies<br>Web Search & Mining<br>Information Retrieval<br>Multi–media Systems<br>QoS Analysis<br>Web Services<br>Reputation and Trust<br>Recommender Systems<br>Internet of Things<br>Social Networks<br>Link prediction in networks<br>Societal Applications<br>Computational Social Science: formal approach<br>E–Governance and ERP systems<br>Green Computing<br>Culture and HeritageManagement<br>Gaming Systems<br>Medical Applications<br><div>Computational Biology<br></div><div><br></div>
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