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Since 2004, ICDCIT conference series is a global platform for Computer Science researchers to exchange research results and ideas on the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Internet Technology&#046; These technologies are increasingly relevant to individuals and organizations who engage in the production, processing and dissemination of knowledge&#046; The 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT&#8211;2019) will take place in Bhubaneswar during 10&#8211;13th January 2019&#046; It will be organized by KIIT, Bhubaneswar, India&#046; Like the previous years, the proceedings of the conference is planned to be published by Springer in the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science&#046;<br>ICDCIT&#8211;2019 solicits original research papers contributing to the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Internet Technology in the following broad areas:<br>Distributed Computing<br>Distributed Algorithms<br>Concurrency and Parallelism<br>System Specification and Verification: Formal Methods&#046;<br>Distributed Artificial Intelligence<br>Secure Computing and Communication<br>Cloud and P2P Systems<br>Cyber Physical Systems<br>Big Data Systems and Services<br>Internet Technologies<br>Web Search &amp; Mining<br>Information Retrieval<br>Multi&#8211;media Systems<br>QoS Analysis<br>Web Services<br>Reputation and Trust<br>Recommender Systems<br>Internet of Things<br>Social Networks<br>Link prediction in networks<br>Societal Applications<br>Computational Social Science: formal approach<br>E&#8211;Governance and ERP systems<br>Green Computing<br>Culture and HeritageManagement<br>Gaming Systems<br>Medical Applications<br><div>Computational Biology<br></div><div><br></div>