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The WiCON 2018 continues to be an international forum dedicated to innovative research and development related to the emerging wireless internet and networks&#046; WiCON is a highly selective conference with a long track record of publishing novel ideas and breakthroughs, with this year’s edition to be held during October 15&#8211;16, 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan&#046;<br>WiCON 2018 will continue to serve as a premier international conference to discuss novel research results related to the emerging wireless internet&#046; WiCON 2018 is soliciting both academic research and industry practice papers&#046;<br>Topics<br><div><br></div><div> </div>Convergence and interworking of heterogeneous wireless networks<br>Vertical handoff and seamless roaming<br>Mobile P2P networking, systems, and applications<br>Next generation Internet services and applications<br>Clean&#8211;slate wireless Internet architecture<br>Interaction among PHY/MAC, routing, and congestion control<br>PHY&#8211;aware wireless scheduling<br>QoS provisioning over Multimedia wireless networks<br>Multiple access technology (OFDMA, CDMA, and TDMA)<br>WLANs, WiMAX, satellite, 3G and Beyond<br>QoS management and traffic modeling<br>Algorithm design and performance analysis<br>Wireless sensor, ad hoc, and mesh networks<br>Cooperative and relay networks<br>IMT2000, UMTS, LTE, IMT&#8211;Advanced networks<br>Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET)<br>Wireless access in vehicular environment (WAVE)<br>Dedicated short&#8211;range communications (DSRC)<br>Cognitive radio networks<br>Context&#8211;aware mobile network<br>Wireless body area networks (WBANs)<br>Tele&#8211;medicine/e&#8211;health networks<br>Architectural support for security<br>Security, privacy, and dependability issues<br>Security in cooperative networks<br>Testbeds and simulation tools<br>Middleware, operating system, and programming languages<br>Experimental measurements<br>Green wireless network architectures and communication protocols<br>Green applications by wireless communications and mobile computing technologies<br>Energy&#8211;efficient mobile and wireless networks<br>Network planning and optimization for green wireless networking<br>