High Performance Computing and Big Data are two main areas where NPC 2018 will<br>provide a dynamic forum to explore, discuss and debate state–of–the–art techn–<br>ology issues and challenges. Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects<br>of high–performance computing and big data. Topics of interest include, but are<br>not limited to:<br>*Parallel and distributed applications and algorithms<br>––Parallel and distributed issues and opportunities on artificial intelli–<br>gence application.<br>––Parallel algorithms for computational and data–enabled scientific,<br>engineering, biological and medical applications.<br>––Parallel algorithms for accelerators, neuromorphic architectures,<br>and other emerging architectures<br>*Parallel and distributed architectures and systems<br>––Emerging architectures and systems at all scales, from embedded to cloud.<br>––Systems for enabling parallelism at an extreme scale<br>––Power–efficient and green computing systems<br>––Neuromorphic architectures and cognitive computing accelerators<br>––Heterogeneous multicore architectures and accelerators<br>––In–Memory and near–data computing<br>––Network and interconnect architectures<br>––Storage systems in novel big data architectures<br>*Parallel and distributed software environments and tools<br>––Programming models and compilation for existing and emerging platforms<br>––Dataflow programming models, frameworks, languages and environments for<br>data–enabled platforms<br>––Virtualization of machines, networks, and storage<br>––I/O, file systems, and data management<br>––Resource management, scheduling, and load balancing<br>Authors should submit the full version of the paper July 15, 2018, AOE. The full<br>version should be a PDF file following the submission guidelines that will be made<br>available at the submission website. Papers should be submitted for blind review.<br>New–idea papers as well as papers that significantly advance established areas are<br>strongly encouraged. Submission issues should be directed to program chairs, Marc<br>Snir and Jidong Zhai. We will publish top papers from NPC 2018 in a special issue<br>of the International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), and the proceedings<br><div>will be published as part of Springer LNCS.</div><div><br></div>
Deadline Paper
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