Papers describing original research work and practical experiences/experimental results are solicited on topics that tentatively include, but are not limited to ( Click here to download PDF version of this call for papers):<br>Distributed Computing Track<br>Networking Track<br>Concurrent Data Structures<br>Distributed algorithms: design, analysis, and complexity<br>Distributed operating systems<br>Distributed database systems<br>Embedded distributed systems, sensors and mobile<br>Distributed Robots<br>Formal methods for distributed systems<br>Experimental evaluation of distributed systems<br>Fault–tolerance, reliability, and availability<br>Multiprocessor & multi–core architectures & algorithms<br>Self–organization, self–stabilization, & autonomic computing<br>High performance computing, grid computing<br>Multi–tire cloud computing and Big Data processing<br>Security, cryptography and Game theory in distributed systems<br>Internet–scale distributed systems<br>5G, ultra–dense networks, and next–gen networks and services<br>Ad–hoc, sensor, PAN and mesh networks<br>Backscatter and ultra–low power networks<br>Cognitive networking<br>Data center and cloud networking<br>Energy–efficient networking & integration with smart grids<br>Internetworking protocols & Internet applications<br>IoT connectivity and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)<br>Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)<br>Mobile offloading<br>Mobile pervasive computing and networking<br>Network function virtualization and Software Defined Networking (SDN)<br>Network security & privacy<br>Next generation & converged network architectures<br>Overlay & peer–to–peer networks and services<br><div>Pricing and network economics<br></div><div><br></div>
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