The complexity of modern software–intensive systems, time–to–market pressures, and the need for high quality systems are current challenges faced by the software and systems engineering industry. To address these challenges, model–driven engineering (MDE) advocates the elevation of models into the center of the development process. Models provide abstractions over the system to be developed, while also providing enough detail to automate the development of implementation artifacts and perform early analysis.<br>In this context, executable models become more and more important. They provide abstractions of complex system behaviors and constitute the basis for performing early analyses of that behavior. The ability to analyze a system’s behavior early in its development has the potential to turn executable models into important assets of model–driven software development processes.<br>Despite the potential benefits of executable models, there are still many challenges to solve, such as the lack of maturity in the definition of and tooling for executable modeling languages, and the limited experience with executable modeling in much of the software and systems development industry. EXE 2018 will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss these challenges and propose potential solutions, as well as to assess and advance the state–of–the–art in this area.<br>Topics of interest to the workshop include but are not limited to the following:<br>– Methodologies, languages, techniques, and methods for designing and implementing executable modeling languages<br>– Case studies and experience reports on the successful or failed adoption of executable modeling in different application domains and application contexts<br>– Model execution tools for the (dynamic) validation, verification, and testing of systems (e.g., model animation, debugging, simulation, trace exploration, model checking, symbolic execution)<br>– Tracing model executions and analyzing model execution traces<br>– Automation techniques for the development of model execution tools<br>– Evolution in the context of executable modeling (e.g., evolution of executable modeling languages, execution semantics, executable models, model execution tools)<br>– Verification of semantic conformance (e.g., among executable modeling languages, executable models, model execution tools)<br>– Customization of executable modeling languages and model execution tools (e.g., semantic variation points,profiles)<br>– Composition, extension, and reuse of executable modeling languages and model execution tools<br>– Integration of executable modeling languages and programming languages<br>– Semantics–aware model transformations and code generation<br>– Scalability of model execution and execution–based model analysis<br>– Execution of partial and underspecified models<br>– Model execution in the presence of non–determinism and concurrency<br><div>– Surveys and benchmarks of different approaches for the development of executable modeling languages, model execution, and execution–based model analysis<br></div><div><br></div>
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