Doctorial Symposium - ICFEM
Gold Coast
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The ICFEM PhD Symposium (15 November) 2018 is an international forum for PhD students working in all areas related to formal methods, including but not limited to the following:<br>Abstraction, refinement and evolution<br>Formal specification and modelling<br>Formal verification and analysis<br>Model checking<br>Formal approaches to software testing and inspection<br>Formal methods for self&#8211;adaptive systems<br>Formal methods for object&#8211;oriented systems<br>Formal methods for component&#8211;based systems<br>Formal methods for concurrent and real&#8211;time systems<br>Formal methods for cloud computing<br>Formal methods for cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>Formal methods for software safety and security<br>Formal methods for software reliability and dependability<br>Development, integration and experiments involving verified systems<br>Formal certification of products under international standards<br>Formal model&#8211;based development and code generation<br>The goals of the symposium are:<br>&#8211; To bring together PhD students and established researchers in the formal methods community&#046;<br>&#8211; To enable PhD students to interact with other PhD students and to stimulate exchange of ideas, suggestions, and experiences among participants&#046;<br>&#8211; To provide PhD students an opportunity to present, share, and discuss their research in a constructive and critical atmosphere&#046;<br><div>&#8211; To provide PhD students with fruitful feedback and advice on their research approach&#046;<br></div><div><br></div>