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The 2018 edition of the RealWSN workshop tackles primarily the development and deployment of wireless sensing applications in the real world&#046; Among others, it will gather the best practices from renowned and experienced researchers and practitioners, providing an answer to several open questions, such as how to quickly and efficiently deploy an application in mostly unknown environments&#046;<br>Sensing applications include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Wireless sensor and actuator networks;<br>&#8211; Mobile sensing, smartphone sensing;<br>&#8211; Crowd sensing;<br>&#8211; Cyber&#8211;physical systems;<br>&#8211; Internet of Things applications&#046;<br>The targeted topics include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Practical experiences from real&#8211;world deployments;<br>&#8211; Datasets gathered from real&#8211;world applications;<br>&#8211; Hands&#8211;on experiences with integration of WSNs into the Internet of Things;<br>&#8211; Experiences with harsh environmental conditions (e&#046;g&#046;, underground, underwater, and in&#8211;body communication);<br>&#8211; Energy aspects such as harvesting, as well as intermittent and transient computing methods;<br>&#8211; Negative results and unsuccessful deployments;<br>&#8211; Hands&#8211;on experience with new wireless sensing and IoT/M2M/CPS technologies;<br>&#8211; Software tools for characterization, parameterization and automation of sensing applications;<br>&#8211; Programming and debugging of wireless systems and networks in the field;<br>&#8211; Management of faulty and malicious data in the real world;<br><div>&#8211; Works in progress and not yet solved issues&#046;<br></div><div><br></div>