Saudi Arabia
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PNU International Conference on Computing (PNUICC) invites authors to submit original contributions in the event research area&#046; PNUICC&#8242;2019 covers four main themes: Data Science, Cyber Security, Networks and IoT and Information System and Applications&#046;<br>Papers accepted and presented at PNUICC&#8242;2019 will be published open access on the conference website and will be submitted for possible inclusion in Procedia Computer Science from ScienceDirect&#046;<br>Authors of selected papers accepted for publication in PNUICC&#8242;2019 proceedings will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to the conference related journals&#046;<br>Topics<br>We solicit papers on all areas of interest to the PNUICC&#8242;2019 community and aligned fields, including but not limited to:<br>Track1: Data Science<br>• Big Data and Analytics<br>• Bioinformatics<br>• Distributed Systems<br>• Artificial Intelligence<br>• Data/Web Mining<br>• Data visualization<br>• Data classification and taxonomy<br>• Data metrics and metrology<br>• Machine learning and deep learning<br>• Data analytics<br>• Data provenance<br>• Big Data, cloud computing and data intensive systems<br>• Innovative data intensive applications such as health, energy, transport, food, soil and water, etc&#046;<br>Track 2: CyberSecurity<br>• Application Security<br>• Anonymity<br>• Access Control<br>• Policy, Legal, Legislation &amp; Compliance<br>• Authentication<br>• User Privacy<br>• Attacks and Counter&#8211;measures<br>• Cryptography<br>• Content Protection<br>• Network Security<br>• Watermarking<br>• Emerging technologies such as: Blockchain, FinTech, etc&#046;<br>Track 3: Network and IoT<br>• Internet of Things networks<br>• Network Infrastructure<br>• Energy&#8211;efficient computing in networked systems<br>• Cloud/multi&#8211;tenant systems<br>• Mobile and embedded/sensor applications and systems<br>• Wireless networked systems<br>• Ubiquitous Computing<br>• Next Generation Infrastructure for IOT<br>• IOT&#8211;based Smart City Solutions<br>• IOT&#8211;based Smart Home<br>• IOT Standards and Application Scenarios<br>• Virtualization and resource management for networked systems<br>• Systems aspects of networking hardware<br>• Robotics and Automation<br>• Any innovative solution for a significant problem involving networked systems<br>Track 4: Information Technology and Applications<br>• Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality<br>• Computer&#8211;aided Design/Manufacturing<br>• Computing Ethics<br>• Data Compression and Database Systems<br>• E&#8211;commerce and E&#8211;governance<br>• Human Computer Interaction<br>• Information Systems<br>• Software Engineering<br>• Emerging Technologies in Education<br>• E&#8211;Science and E&#8211;Services<br>• Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)<br><div>• System Design and Architecture<br></div><div><br></div>