NetSys 2019 invites proposals for workshops of the 2019 International<br>Conference on Networked Systems. We are soliciting workshop proposals on<br>topics relevant to Networked Systems. Workshops will be held on 18.<br>March or 21. March 2019.<br>Workshops are a great opportunity for community building and a forum for<br>attendees with common interests. Accepted workshop papers are included<br>in the adjunct proceedings of the Netsys Conference.<br>PRE–PROPOSAL SUBMISSION INQUIRIES<br>Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal, feel free to<br>contact the Workshop chairs at or wolf@ibr.cs.tu–<br>WORKSHOP PROPOSAL CONTENT<br>The proposal should be prepared as a document of no more than 4 pages in<br>the official IEEE proceedings format – tighter alternate style (Word,<br>Latex) , and must in addition include a Call for Papers. It must<br>describe the topic, rationale and objectives for the workshop, the<br>organizers’ backgrounds and bio, an estimate of expected attendance, in<br>the case of followup workshops: statistics from any previously held<br>workshops and a detailed plan (timeline) for conducting the workshop<br>(including any plans for preworkshop preparation and/or postworkshop<br>follow up).<br><div><br></div><div><br></div>
NetSys Workshops
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date