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The ART workshop focuses exclusively on test and reliability of automotive and mission&#8211;critical electronics, including design, manufacturing, burn&#8211;in, system&#8211;level integration and in&#8211;field test, diagnosis and repair solutions, as well as architectures and methods for reliable and safe operations under different environmental conditions&#046; With increasing system complexity, security, stringent runtime requirements for functional safety, and cost constraints of a mass market, the reliable operation of electronics in safety&#8211;critical domains is still a major challenge&#046; This second edition of the ART Workshop offers a forum to present and discuss these challenges and emerging solutions among researchers and practitioners alike&#046;<br>ART will take place in conjunction with the IEEE International Test Conference (ITC) and is sponsored by the Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC) of IEEE Computer Society&#046;<br>You are invited to participate and submit your contributions to the ART Workshop&#046; The workshop&#8242;s areas of interest include (but are not limited to) the following topics:<br>Functional safety and security in the automotive domain<br>Automotive standards and certification – ISO 26262<br>Approximate computing and Artificial Intelligence<br>Multi&#8211;layer dependability evaluation<br>Verification and validation of automotive systems<br>Fault tolerance and self&#8211;checking circuits<br>Aging effects on automotive electronics<br>Resiliency by application<br>Dependability challenges of autonomous driving and e&#8211;mobility<br>Power&#8211;up, power&#8211;down and periodic test<br>System level test<br>Reuse of test infrastructure<br>Functional and structural test generation<br>High quality volume test&#8211; minimizing DPPM<br><div>Life cycle test cost minimization</div><div><br></div>