INTSYS SmartCity360°
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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are vital to increase efficiency, safety, mobility, and tackle Europe’s growing emissions and congestion problems&#046; ITS can make transport safer, more efficient, and more sustainable by applying information and communication technologies to all transportation mode&#046; Moreover, the integration of existing technologies can create new services&#046;<br>INTSYS 2018 is part of the 4th annual Smart City 360˚Summit, promoting multidisciplinary scientific collaboration to solve complex societal, technological and economic problems of emerging Smart Cities&#046;<br>Topics<br>&#8211; Advanced Public Transportation Management<br>&#8211; Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management<br>&#8211; Approaches to sustainable transportation<br>&#8211; Autonomous Driving; Connected Car<br>&#8211; Big data in ITS and Data&#8211;Driven Innovation<br>&#8211; City Logistics<br>&#8211; Cloud computing, Fog computing<br>&#8211; Commercial Vehicle Operations<br>&#8211; Communications in ITS<br>&#8211; Computer Vision for ITS<br>&#8211; Cooperative ITS and Autonomous driving<br>&#8211; Driver and Traveler Support Systems<br>&#8211; Electric Vehicles<br>&#8211; Electronic Payment Systems<br>&#8211; Emergency Management<br>&#8211; Emissions, Noise, Environment<br>´&#8211; Human Factors, Travel Behavior<br>&#8211; Intelligent Logistics<br>&#8211; Intelligent urban construction for smart mobility<br>´&#8211; Intelligent Vehicles<br>&#8211; Intermodal Freight<br>&#8211; ITS Field Tests and Implementation<br>&#8211; ITS for Smart Cities<br>&#8211; ITS user services<br>&#8211; Management of Exceptional Events: Incidents and Evacuation<br>&#8211; Modelling, Control and Simulation<br>&#8211; Probe Information Systems<br>&#8211; Safe and secure ITS<br>&#8211; Sensing, Detectors and Actuators<br>&#8211; Traffic management and intelligent infrastructure (road, freight, public transport)<br>&#8211; Traffic modelling and simulation<br>&#8211; Traffic Theory for ITS<br>&#8211; Transportation Networks<br>&#8211; Travel and traffic information<br>&#8211; Vehicle Localization<br><div>&#8211; Vision, and Environment Perception</div><div><br></div>