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We invite high&#8211;quality submissions describing original and unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental software engineering research&#046; Contributions should describe innovative and significant original research&#046; Papers describing groundbreaking<br>approaches to emerging problems will also be considered&#046; Submissions that facilitate reproducibility by using available data sets or making the described tools publicly available are especially encouraged&#046;<br>Papers submitted to ESEC/FSE for consideration should not have been already published elsewhere and should not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the reviewing period&#046; Specifically, authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions&#046;<br>Topics of Interest<br>We are interested in submissions from both industry and academia on all topics related to software engineering&#046; These include, but are not limited to:<br>Architecture and design<br>Autonomic computing and (self&#8211;)adaptive systems<br>Big data<br>Cloud computing<br>Components, services, and middleware<br>Computer&#8211;supported cooperative work<br>Configuration management and deployment<br>Crowdsourcing<br>Debugging<br>Dependability, safety, and reliability<br>Development tools and environments<br>Distributed, parallel, and concurrent software<br>Education<br>Embedded and real&#8211;time software<br>Empirical software engineering<br>End&#8211;user software engineering<br>Formal methods, including languages, methods, and tools<br>Green computing<br>Human and social factors in software engineering<br>Human&#8211;computer interaction<br>Knowledge based software engineering<br>Mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive software<br>Model&#8211;driven software engineering<br>Patterns and frameworks<br>Policy and ethics<br>Processes and workflows<br>Program analysis<br>Program comprehension and visualization<br>Program synthesis<br>Refactoring<br>Requirements engineering<br>Reverse engineering<br>Safety&#8211;critical systems<br>Scientific computing<br>Search&#8211;based software engineering<br>Security and privacy<br>Software economics and metrics<br>Software evolution and maintenance<br>Software product lines<br>Software reuse<br>Software services<br>Specification and verification<br>Testing<br>Traceability<br>Web&#8211;based software<br>How to Submit<br><div>At the time of submission all papers must conform to the ESEC/FSE 2019 Format and Submission Guidelines, and must not exceed 10 pages for all text and figures plus 2 pages for references (abstract: 250 words max)&#046; All submissions must be in English and in PDF format&#046; You can submit, optionally, an additional file containing supplementary material (see details below)&#046; Submissions that do not comply with the above instructions will be desk rejected without review&#046;</div><div><br></div>