We invite high–quality submissions describing original and unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental software engineering research. Contributions should describe innovative and significant original research. Papers describing groundbreaking<br>approaches to emerging problems will also be considered. Submissions that facilitate reproducibility by using available data sets or making the described tools publicly available are especially encouraged.<br>Papers submitted to ESEC/FSE for consideration should not have been already published elsewhere and should not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the reviewing period. Specifically, authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.<br>Topics of Interest<br>We are interested in submissions from both industry and academia on all topics related to software engineering. These include, but are not limited to:<br>Architecture and design<br>Autonomic computing and (self–)adaptive systems<br>Big data<br>Cloud computing<br>Components, services, and middleware<br>Computer–supported cooperative work<br>Configuration management and deployment<br>Crowdsourcing<br>Debugging<br>Dependability, safety, and reliability<br>Development tools and environments<br>Distributed, parallel, and concurrent software<br>Education<br>Embedded and real–time software<br>Empirical software engineering<br>End–user software engineering<br>Formal methods, including languages, methods, and tools<br>Green computing<br>Human and social factors in software engineering<br>Human–computer interaction<br>Knowledge based software engineering<br>Mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive software<br>Model–driven software engineering<br>Patterns and frameworks<br>Policy and ethics<br>Processes and workflows<br>Program analysis<br>Program comprehension and visualization<br>Program synthesis<br>Refactoring<br>Requirements engineering<br>Reverse engineering<br>Safety–critical systems<br>Scientific computing<br>Search–based software engineering<br>Security and privacy<br>Software economics and metrics<br>Software evolution and maintenance<br>Software product lines<br>Software reuse<br>Software services<br>Specification and verification<br>Testing<br>Traceability<br>Web–based software<br>How to Submit<br><div>At the time of submission all papers must conform to the ESEC/FSE 2019 Format and Submission Guidelines, and must not exceed 10 pages for all text and figures plus 2 pages for references (abstract: 250 words max). All submissions must be in English and in PDF format. You can submit, optionally, an additional file containing supplementary material (see details below). Submissions that do not comply with the above instructions will be desk rejected without review.</div><div><br></div>
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