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**Topics**: The aim of FORMATS is to promote the study of fundamental<br>and practical aspects of timed systems, and to bring together<br>researchers from different disciplines that share interests in<br>modelling and analysis of timed systems and, as a generalisation, of<br>hybrid systems&#046; Typical topics include (but are not limited to):<br>* Foundations and Semantics: Theoretical foundations of timed systems<br>and languages; new models and logics for analysis and comparison of<br>existing models (like automata, Petri nets, max&#8211;plus models, network<br>calculus, or process algebras involving quantitative time; hybrid<br>automata; probabilistic automata and logics)&#046;<br>* Methods and Tools: Techniques, algorithms, data structures, and<br>software tools for verification, synthesis, learning, online<br>monitoring and runtime verification of timed or hybrid systems and for<br>resolving temporal constraints (scheduling, worst&#8211;case execution time<br>analysis, optimisation, model checking, testing, constraint solving)&#046;<br>* Applications: Adaptation and specialisation of timing technology in<br>application domains in which timing plays an important role (real&#8211;time<br>software, embedded control, hardware circuits, biological systems, and<br><div>problems of scheduling in manufacturing and telecommunications)&#046;</div><div><br></div>