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The Track on Quality Aspects in DevOps Development is part of the he<br>11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and<br>Communications Technology (QUATIC 2018), which is a leading biennial<br>scientific conference that gathers experts from industry and academia to<br>exchange ideas and approaches regarding all quality aspects in ICT<br>systems engineering and management&#046; The forum is dedicated to a live<br>discussion on how to further the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art and define future<br>directions, as well as to disseminate advanced new methods, techniques<br>and tools&#046;<br>DevOps is recently emerging as a disruptive series of principles and<br>practices that reduce the amount of time between software refactoring<br>and operationally deploying changes&#046; DevOps principles and tools also<br>primarily aim at strengthening the collaboration between software<br>development and operations engineers in the process of speedily making a<br>design refactoring actionable in operations as well&#046;<br>On one hand, the goal of this tighter collaboration is to deliver the<br>software product faster to its production environment, by whatever<br>means, procedures, or tools&#046; On the other hand, establishing and<br>certifying the quality of outcoming software and processes is strained<br>by the "need for speed"&#046;<br>This thematic track of the QUATIC 2018 conference seeks to shed light<br>over the synergies and challenges in DevOps quality engineering&#046; In so<br>doing, we seek novel contributions on any quality aspects, quality<br>evaluations, fallacies, or pitfalls arising or playing a role in the<br>context of DevOps&#046;<br>A special issue is planned in the Journal of Software Evolution &amp;<br>Process immediately after the event is closed&#046;<br>Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Methods and models for software quality assessment in DevOps<br>&#8211; Techniques for software quality improvement in DevOps<br>&#8211; Tools for quality assessment and/or improvement during DevOps<br>developments<br>&#8211; Experiences on the impact of software quality engineering in DevOps<br>&#8211; Experiences on the impact of DevOps practices in consolidated Quality<br>engineering processes&#046;<br>&#8211; Emergent Quality Properties of DevOps Architectures<br>&#8211; Analysing, Testing, or otherwise assessing the Quality of DevOps<br>Processes<br>&#8211; DevOps Tools, that is, tools or technical approaches that fit in the<br>DevOps paradigm<br>&#8211; Qualities of skills and human aspects of DevOps engineers;<br>&#8211; Quality and Quality assessment of DevOps processes;<br>&#8211; Quality of Education of DevOps engineers;<br>&#8211; Continuous Aspects of Quality Assurance;<br>&#8211; Qualities changed or introduced by DevOps practices, e&#046;g&#046;, quality of<br>Infrastructures and quality of Infrastructure&#8211;as&#8211;Code;<br>&#8211; Quality of DevOps Architectural Styles, e&#046;g&#046;, Microservices Quality;<br>