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The Young Researchers’ Symposium at CODS&#8211;COMAD 2019 invites submissions from students and postdoctoral fellows&#046; This is a unique opportunity for young researchers to have fruitful peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer discussions and to get feedback from leading senior researchers about their current research work,<br>Submissions to the Young Researchers’ Symposium (YRS) are invited on all topics of interest to the CODS&#8211;COMAD conference (http://www&#046;cods&#8211;comad&#046;in/2019/cfp2019&#046;html)&#046; We welcome many kinds of papers, such as, but not limited to: novel research papers, work&#8211;in&#8211;progress papers, appraisal papers of existing methods and tools (e&#046;g&#046;, lessons learned)&#046;<br>The first author of any submission should be a full&#8211;time undergraduate / postgraduate / PhD student, or a Postdoctoral researcher having completed his / her PhD not earlier than 2016, affiliated with any academic institution&#046;<br><div>Authors of accepted papers will get a chance to present their work both as a poster and a short oral presentation at the conference&#046; The proceedings will be published in ACM Digital Library&#046; Additionally, authors of accepted papers will have the choice to opt their paper out of the conference proceedings&#046; Providing student travel grants to support the participation of authors of accepted papers is under consideration&#046;<br></div><div><br></div>