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EDGE 2019 has obtained approval from the following journals to organize special issues based on extended versions of EDGE papers:<br>&#8211;Special Issues in Services Transactions on Internet of Things (STIOT),<br>&#8211;Special Issues in Services Transactions on Services Computing (STSC),<br>&#8211;Special Issues in Services Transactions on Big Data (STBD),<br>&#8211;Special Issues in Services Transactions on Cloud Computing (STCC),<br>&#8211;Special Issues in International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR)(Indexed by SCI &amp; EI),<br>&#8211;Special Issues in International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM)&#046;<br>The International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE) aims to become a prime international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Edge computing, identify emerging research topics, and define the future of Edge computing&#046; EDGE covers the localized resource sharing and connections with the cloud&#046;<br>EDGE 2019 is a member of Services Conference Federation (SCF)&#046; SCF 2019 will have the following 10 collocated service&#8211;oriented sister conferences: 2019 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2019), 2019 International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2019), 2019 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2019), 2019 International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2019),2019 International Conference on AI &amp; Mobile Services (AIMS 2019), and 2019 World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2019), 2019 International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT 2019), 2019 International conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC 2019), 2019 International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2019), and 2019 International Conference on Blockchain (ICBC 2019)&#046;<br>Topics of the EDGE 2019, goal of the conference, and unique features that other conferences do not have&#046;<br>The major topics of the conference are as follows:<br>&#8211; Architecture of Edge Computing systems<br>&#8211; Public and Private Mobile Clouds in Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Software of Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Hybrid clouds in Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Programming the Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Functionality of Edge Computing systems<br>&#8211; Communication among Edges of an Edge Computing system<br>&#8211; Communication between Edges and central cloud in an Edge Computing system<br>&#8211; Migration services in Edge Computing systems<br>&#8211; Workflows in Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Green Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Reliability in Edge Computing systems<br>&#8211; Availability in Edge Computing systems<br>&#8211; Security and Privacy in Edge Computing systems<br>&#8211; Trust in Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Quality of Service in Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Pricing and Billing in Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Applications of Edge Computing<br>&#8211; Mission critical Edge Computing<br>All submitted manuscripts will be peer&#8211;reviewed by at least 3 program committee members&#046; Accepted and presented papers from all EDGE tracks will appear in the conference proceedings&#046;<br>Submitted Research Track and Application Track manuscripts will be limited to 15 (LNCS Proceedings style) pages and REQUIRED to be formatted using the LNCS Proceedings template ( WORD , Latex )&#046; Submitted Short Paper track manuscripts will be limited to 8 (LNCS Proceedings style) pages&#046; The authors can extend a maximum of 2 pages for each paper but will have to pay extra fees for each extra page&#046; Unformatted papers and papers beyond the maximum page limit may not be reviewed&#046; Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF or Word format) is required&#046; Detailed instructions for electronic paper preparation and submission, panel proposals, tutorial proposals, workshop proposals, and review process can be found at http://theedgecomputing&#046;org/2019/ &#046;<br><div>The Proceedings of EDGE 2019 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer International Publishing AG&#046; Currently the Abstracting and Indexing services covered by Springer’s data feeds for LNCS proceedings include ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in Web of Science), Engineering Index EI (Compendex and Inspec databases), DBLP, Google Scholar, IO&#8211;Port, MathSciNet, Scopus, and ZBlMath&#046; For all 10 collocated conferences of SCF 2019, the content of this proceedings volume will be made freely accessible to anyone in the Springer’s digital library after four years upon publication&#046;<br></div><div><br></div>