Kongens Lyngby
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DisCoTec 2019 is one of the major events sponsored by the International<br>Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)&#046; It gathers conferences and<br>workshops that cover a broad spectrum of distributed computing subjects,<br>ranging from theoretical foundations and formal description techniques<br>to systems research issues&#046;<br>* Main Conferences *<br>&#8211; COORDINATION (https://www&#046;discotec&#046;org/2019/coordination)<br>21st IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and<br>Languages<br>PC Chairs: Hanne Riis Nielson (DTU, Denmark) and Emilio Tuosto<br>(University of Leicester, UK)<br>&#8211; DAIS (https://www&#046;discotec&#046;org/2019/dais)<br>19th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications<br>and Interoperable Systems<br>PC Chairs: José Orlando Pereira (Universidade do Minho &amp; INESC<br>TEC, Portugal) and Laura Ricci (University of Pisa, Italy)<br>&#8211; FORTE (https://www&#046;discotec&#046;org/2019/forte)<br>39th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for<br>Distributed Objects, Components and Systems<br>PC Chairs: Jorge A&#046; Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)<br><div> and Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London, UK)<br></div><div><br></div>