San Diego
United States
Start Date
End Date

<p>The Workshop is promoted by the <a href="https://symbiotic&#8211;autonomous&#8211;systems&#046;ieee&#046;org/">I… FDC Symbiotic Autonomous Systems (SAS) Initiative</a>, aiming at clustering a broad community of researchers (both in academia and industry), practitioners from the industry and institutions that are likely to be affected by the dissemination of autonomous systems and are responsible to manage the social, legislative and ethical implications&#046;</p> <p>The co&#8211;location with TTM 2018 in San Diego is ideal to tackle these issues due to the interest of the TTM audience in shaping the future and the expected relevance of Symbiotic Autonomous Systems in the 4<sup>th</sup> decade of this century&#046;</p> <p>Although there is a generalised consensus that fully&#8211;fledged symbiotic autonomous systems are unlikely to become operational very soon, it is clear that part of this evolution is already ongoing and the whole society would benefit from its early shaping and impact prediction&#046;</p> <p>The workshop format will include keynotes, brainstorming sessions and focused presentations&#046;</p> <p>The goal of the workshop is to speculate on evolution trends and paths rising questions as well as creating frames for developing answers&#046; You can get more information on symbiotic autonomous systems in the <a href="https://symbiotic&#8211;autonomous&#8211;systems&#046;ieee&#046;org/ima…; target="_blank">SAS Initiative White Paper</a> (PDF, 3 MB)&#046;</p> <p> </p>